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The Organization of Indian Muslim & Islamic World For Peace (OIM-IWP) is also ready to help Muslims
solve problems facing them anywhere in the world, and carry out their projects in the sphere of Da’wah,
education and culture. The Organization of Indian Muslim & Islamic World For Peace (OIM-IWP), which
employs all means that are not at variance with the Sharia (Islamic law) to further its aims, is well known
for rejecting all acts of violence and promoting dialogue with the people of other cultures world-wide. It
has a legal personality and an administrative and financial entity of its own, within the framework of its
rules and constitution .
The Organization of Indian Muslim & Islamic World For Peace (OIM-IWP) is needed to propagate and
call people to tolerance, harmony and peaceful coexistence. The Organization of Indian Muslim &
Islamic World For Peace (OIM-IWP) is relentlessly pursuing the establishment of a human society based
on the principles of genuine faith. It propogates people to keep away from violence, terrorism and
extremism. In addition, the Organization of Indian Muslim & Islamic World For Peace (OIM-IWP) will
send muslim schollars, peace defenders to Africa, Asia, Europe, North and Latin America to teach the
real Islam. These educate people about the right way to live according to their religion. Books of
renowned scholars are used as reference to instill the proper concept of Islam in the people's minds.
Islam is after all a moralistic religion that preaches moderation, tolerance and coexistence between
humans. Like any other organization, the Organization of Indian Muslim & Islamic World For Peace
(OIM-IWP) will also contribute to building mosques, schools and cultural and women's centers in many
parts of the world where they are needed. Today, the Organization of Indian Muslim & Islamic World For
Peace (OIM-IWP) is still doing all it can to improve the status of Muslims at all education, social ,
political and economics levels.
affiliated by inpprf :
OIM-IWP’s principal objectives are :
Standard Features
OBJECT AND PURPOSE : The object and purpose of the Organization of Indian Muslim & Islamic World For Peace (OIM-IWP) especially the Muslim as well as belonging to the downtrodden and other backward classes, ideological, emotional, philosophical, educational and economic awareness in the interest of the global community, and for achieving this goal, shall scrupulously endeavor to fulfill the following objectives are as follows :-
a. To protect and defend the Identity and Dignity of the Muslim community and its Constitutional and Human Rights, specially its Right to Equality, Justice and Security;
b. To monitor the political, economic, social and educational status of the Muslim community regularly in the context of development at the global, national, state and district levels;
c. To develop a consensus in the community and in the global & country on the problems faced by the Muslim community and on remedial measures;
d. To place the problems and the remedial measures before the Government and the administration, the Parliament and the Political Parties and the Judiciary for expeditious action;
e. To project the views of the OIM-IWP on International and national problems of concern to the Muslim community through the mass media and promote better understanding of the Muslim point of view among other sections of the people of the global & country levels;
f. To promote global unity, national unity and global integration, national integration, communal amity and social harmony as well as cooperation among Muslim organizations at all levels on the basis of mutual respect and understanding;
g. To promote and defend Democracy, the Secular Order and the Rule of Law of the land;
h. Always reaffirm the fact that Islam has no place for either regionalism or racism;
i. Providing people affected by war and natural disasters with emergency relief;
j. To publish books on the religion as well as educational and be distributed among the needy ones. As well to those interested in the activities of the Governing Body;
k. To occasionally to organize games/sports on national as well as international levels, and to provide opportunity to those talents who cannot afford this will develop sports in the weaker section of the country;
l. To promote sense of harmony, goodwill, brotherhood, cooperation and unity among followers of Muslim and introduce new modern education modules to various schools, madarsa, darul-ulloom, and to advance unity, coordination among them for the protection of Muslim and its rights;
m. To develop and promote an active and dynamic leadership in the Muslim to help in the achievement of these aims and objectives at all levels;
n. To restore courage and confidence among Muslims and to make them aware that they are not second class citizens in the countries but are equal sharers, constitutionally, in its governance, to play their due roll in the task of bringing peace, progress and prosperity to the country and in establishing an order ensuring social justice for all;
o. To ensure participation of downtrodden people, especially the Muslim in different programs and schemes, launched by governments and non-governmental agencies or other philanthropic bodies for the benefit of the poor;
p. To seek coordination, cooperation and collaboration from Societies, Organizations and other entities having similar aims and objects;
q. To organize conferences, debates, seminars etc. to achieve above objectives, and to set-up libraries, and to publish newspapers, magazines, journals and souvenirs, whereby to impart political education to people, especially the Muslim poor, and to spread amongst them the basic values of multi-cultural society and International & national integration;
r. Unify efforts in order to achieve these purposes in a positive and practical way;
s. To represent all work which comes under The Indian Trust Act 1882.