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The Organization of Indian Muslim & Islamic World For Peace (OIM-IWP)

The Organization of Indian Muslim & Islamic World For Peace (OIM-IWP) is one of the most prominent humanitarian charities in India and Muslim World.
The OIM-IWP aims is to protect and defend the Identity and Dignity of the Muslim community in India and Muslim World, and monitor the political, economic, social and educational status of the Muslim community regularly in the context of development at the global, national, state and district levels,
The Organization of Indian Muslim & Islamic World For Peace (OIM-IWP) is a global charity organization inspiring from the "Organization of Islamic Cooperation" (OIC), SAUDI ARABIA, "Muslim World League" (MWL), SAUDI ARABIA and The
"International Islamic Charity Organization" (IICO), KUWAIT and functions internationally. It was founded following a decision adopted at the 16 December 2016 in 12th special meeting of the FFM Council of the INOC in the year (2016).
The Organization of Indian Muslim & Islamic World For Peace (OIM-IWP) is controlled under the Indian Law and managed by INOC, The INOC Global Super Governing Body of Eight (8) International Bodies. The Organization of Indian Muslim & Islamic World For Peace (OIM-IWP) is an organ of INOC, which is registered under The Indian Trusts Act of 1882, Government of India.
"The Organization of Indian Muslim & Islamic World For Peace (OIM-IWP)" with legal personality global social & chairity organization, be India-based, and it may establish branches outside India in any each countries of the world and appoints National Director of OIM-IWP in each Country of the Globe, and The OIM-IWP has created almost 21 Departmental Ccommittees (Click Here) to appoints Board of Advisors in each fields to advice Council of the OIM-IWP, and design a Plan of Actions to Uplift Muslim in India and Muslim World, Socially, economically, Potitically sound for peace and harmonay of the World.
President - OIM-IWP Message : Click Here