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Dr. Mohammed Seraj ANSARI - Chairman

I have long been an activist for Muslim, weaver, artisans (bunkar), global education, global sports, youth empowerment through education and economical equality. India & World has had significant gains in people’s rights in the last decade, and I am delighted at the opportunity to exercise my activism – with the help and support of our Organization of Indian Muslim & Islamic World For Peace members and donors – in order to build on these accomplishments moving forward.
I have a number of goals that I wish to achieve during my tenure as Chairman of the Organization of Indian Muslim & Islamic World For Peace –OIM-IWP. First and perhaps foremost, I want to increase the understanding between the India and Global public and the Islamic World. I want to show the real face of Islam, the one of caring, compassion, and the doing of good works.
I would also like to create a dialogue between the Indian Muslim of the Islamic World and the Muslims of the Western World. We hope to address the issues common to the Muslims of both Worlds in an effort to promote understanding between both Worlds.
I would also like to oversee the creation of a high level Goverrning Body, Advisory Board, Board Members and National Directors for the Organization of Indian Muslim & Islamic World For Peace. Such a Governing Body/Board could provide insight and guidance for the organization.
Finally, I hope to increase awareness of the Organization of Indian Muslim & Islamic World For Peace and the good work it performs. I hope to strengthen the group as well as increase its influence in both the Indian Muslim and the Islamic World and International communities in order to build bridges between these communities. This year will mark a new path for the Organization of Indian Muslim & Islamic World For Peace as it continues to serve Muslims in India and around the Muslim World.
With kind regards,
Dr. Mohammed Seraj ANSARI
Chairman- Organization of Indian Muslim & Islamic World For Peace-OIM-IWP
Chairman of OIM-IWP
The Chairman of the OIM-IWP's Profile :-

Dr.Mohammed Seraj ANSARI
IndiaI Dr. Mohammed Seraj ANSARI has distinguished career at Lucknow, an international business & social expertise that has good infrastructure an extensive global network in all over the world. As a Founder & President - International Non-Olympic Committee-INOC ( & President-International Nobel Peace Prize Recommendation Forum-INPPRF ( and good relation with world sports leaders and also with governments, royal family members, public institutions and corporations, and private individuals on a worldwide basis. I maintains a wide-ranging personal network of contacts and is very well informed about current trends in globalization and major issues of the world
International Non-Olympic Committee (Founder and President)
Mohammed Seraj ANSARI has became founder and President of INTERNATIONAL NON-OLYMPIC COMMITTEE-(INOC), The INOC is the world second largest Sports body after “Olympic” The Non-Olympic mission has been created by me and India is became founder of the world second highest sports governing body, which is controlling all Non-Olympic sports worldwide. (
International Nobel Peace Prize Recommendation Forum (President)
Dr. Mohammed Seraj ANSARI has became President of INTERNATIONAL NOBEL PEACE PRIZE RECOMMENDATION FORUM-(INPPRF), The INPPRF is the only International movement and came into forced to support the Nobel Foundation and it's Committees worldwide as well as all World Peace Movements/International Sports Organizations. Inspired by the mission of the Nobel Foundation "Nobel Peace Prize", the International Nobel Peace Prize Recommendation Forum was created in 2004 with the practical support by the International Non-Olympic Committee-INOC. (
World Council for Regular and Distance Education (President)
Dr. Mohammed Seraj ANSARI has became President of WORLD COUNCIL FOR REGULAR & DISTANCE EDUCATION-WCRDE, The WCRDE is the non-profit international membership organization for the regular, open and distance education community, and is open to all educational institutions, educational universities, educational authorities, and individuals. WCRDE has a partner status with International Student Exchange Cards India Limited. WCRDE main aim is to promote distance education throughout the world and use of new idea and innovation. (
World Sports Karate Federation (President)
Dr. Mohammed Seraj ANSARI has became President of WORLD SPORTS KARATE FEDERATION-WSKF, The WSKF is the international Governing Body for Sports Karate, the World Sports Karate Federation (WSKF) will lead by promoting the game as a world sport, protecting the spirit of the game i.e. Sports-Karate and optimizing commercial opportunities for the benefits of the game and all non-olympic sports worldwide. (
International Super-Cricket Committee (Chairman)
Dr. Mohammed Seraj ANSARI has became Chairman of INTERNATIONAL SUPER-CRICKET COMMITTEE -ISCC, The ISCC is the International Governing Body for Super-Cricket, the International Super-Cricket Committee will lead by promoting the game as a world sport, protecting the spirit of the game i.e. super-cricket and optimizing commercial opportunities for the benefits of the game and all non-olympic sports worldwide. (
International Yoga Committee -IYC (President)
Dr. Mohammed Seraj ANSARI has became President of INTERNATIONAL YOGA COMMITTEE –IYC, The IYC is the international Governing Body for Yoga Sport, the International Yoga Committee-IYC will lead by promoting the game as a world sport, protecting the spirit of the game i.e. Yoga Sports and optimizing commercial opportunities for the benefits of the game and all non-olympic sports worldwide. (
National Brand Awards Committee -NBA (President)
Dr. Mohammed Seraj ANSARI has became President of National Brand Awards Committee –NBA. The National Brand Awards have been created by "International Nobel Peace Prize Recommendation Forum -INPPRF" and "International Non-Olympic University -INOU" jointly under the legal control of "International Non-Olympic Committee -INOC" only in view of encouraging the Star Companies, Royal Star Companies and Royal Legend and Individuals around the World to support downtrodden peoples by sponsoring these above projects to help them to be independent and encourage them to contribute his/her life for building the World for Global Peace and Integrity of the World, instead of they depend on us. (
Quality Factor -QF (Chairman & Chief Executive Officer)
Dr. Mohammed Seraj ANSARI has became Chairman & Chief Executive Officer of Quality Factor –QF. The Quality Factor (QF) of an academic journal is to measure quality in that journal. It is commonly used as a representation for the significance of a journal within its field, with journals with higher Quality Factors considered to be more important than those with lower ones. The Quality Factor was planned by Professor Dr. Mohemmed Seraj ANSARI (President of International Non-Olympic Committee) & Concept was taken from Q Factor originated with K.S. Johnson of Western Electric Company's Engineering Department. Quality Factor calculated yearly for those journals that are indexed in the Journal Quality Factor Reports. ( )
UN-WHF Blue Berets (UN Peacekeeping Force) (GENERAL 3 Stars)
Dr. Mohammed Seraj ANSARI has became GENERAL (Rank / class: THREE STARS GENERAL EU-PKF-IPLU. (
Dr. Mohammed Seraj ANSARI has became President & Chairman of following organization to promote Non-Olympic Brand thought-out the world.
1. Indian Non-Olympic Associate-INOA (http://
2. Association of Sports Karate India-ASKI (
3. Indian Super-Cricket Federation-ISCF (
4. All India Shorinji-Ryu Karate Federation-AISKF (
5. Floorball Federation of India-FFI (
6. Indian Momin Ansar Weavers Council- IMAWC
7. Indian Textiles & Handicraft Exports Promotion Organization (ITHEPO) ( )
8. All India Momin Ansar Welfare Society-(AIMAWS)
Non-Olympic Times (Editor-in-Chief)
Dr. Mohammed Seraj ANSARI has created quarterly publication and become a Editor-in-Chief for NON-OLYMPIC TIMES - NOT, The NOT is the world largest Sports news paper and acting as a International Publication company which supports all education field professionals. ( ).
Journal of Management and Science (Editor-in-Chief)
Dr. Mohammed Seraj ANSARI has become a Editor-in-Chief for Journal of Management and Science-JMS, Journal of Management and Science-JMS is an international, free-access, printed / online quarterly journal published in English. The aim of JMS is to publish original articles and review papers without delay in all fields of Management and Science. ( ).
AMNESTY INTERANTIONAL-LONDON-UK (International Member) Elected 2011 )
Dr. Mohammed Seraj ANSARI has involved in social activities and supported Amnesty International. He raised the voice for young youths and for all minority communities. (, Dr. Mohammed Seraj ANSARI has got elected by 1st General Election of Amnesty International, over 200 countries have voted, and won highest votes amongst 4 got elected from the world.
2013 Doctorate in Physical Education under West Coast University of Panama, Major Field as Martial Arts.
• Received “Prakrati Ratna Award-2004”
• Received “Acharya Vishnugupt “Charakkaya” Manavadhikar Award-2006”
• Received “International Who's Who Historical Society (Top Professional of the World) Award-2007”
• Received “Golden European Award For Quality & Business Prestige-2016, by “WORLD BUSINESS ASSEMBLY, SPAIN.” • Manager of the Year’ medal 2016 by Socrates Almanac Editorial Board, Oxford, London UK.
• Best Enterprise Award 2016 by by Socrates Almanac Editorial Board, Oxford, London ,UK.
• Distinguish Achievement Award & Medal in Global Education by The Russian Federation 25th Anniversary Medal of ends of Afghanistan War. 2016
• Chairman of International Student Exchange Cards Ltd, India (USA)
• ( , ( )
• Managing Director of Buktel Communication Private Limited (
• Managing Director of Meraj Realty & Infrastructures Private Limited (, (
• CEO of Meraj Distributors (,
• CMD of PrimeX Logistics Pvt Ltd (
• Director - R.V.S. Educational Trust - ( )
• Served as a Board Member of ten non-profit organizations.
1. President - International Non-Olympic Committee-INOC (Click Here)
2. President - International Nobel Peace Prize Recommendation Forum-INPPRF. (Click Here)
3. President - World Council For Regular & Distance Education-WCRDE. (Click Here )
4. Chairman - International Super-Cricket Committee-ISCC (Click Here)
5. President - World Sports Karate Federation-WSKE (Click Here)
6. President - International Yoga Committee -IYC (Click Here)
7. President - National Brand Awards Committee -NBA (Click Here)
8. Chairman & Chief Executive officer - Quality Factor -QF (Click Here)
9. President - Indo-OIC Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry -IICCI (Click Here/a> )
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