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Experts as Advisor to OIM-IWP
Advisory Board Members From Worldwide

The The Organization Indian Muslim & Islamic World For Peace - OIM-IWP is the First Mega
Global Muslim Organization who is appointing "Advisory Board Members. "
from worldwide, but it should be experts of each field, which can help Muslim Community from each country of the World. The Advisory Board Members will assist OIM-IWP and design Plan of Action for Global Muslim Community, Please read OIM fields of Departments as "Departmental Committees". The Advisory Board Members should have good knowledge of Islam & Muslim issues and ability to
resolve and extend good support to OIM-IWP and active role in the Country, Please
Click Here to know roles of these Members and eligibility to become Member of the OIM-IWP.
The Advisory Board Members have rights to recomend good muslims activist for OIM-IWP and can also run OIM-IWP's Programs & Projects
in the Country, The Advisory Board Members & OIM-IWP will work together for the Development of the Muslim community in the Country.
The eligible candidate can scroll-down and check their country name is vacant for "Advisory Board Members" which would be appointed over 242 NDs in each country of the World.
Interested personalities can send (he/she) their CV to President – Organization Indian Muslim & Islamic World For Peace - OIM-IWP on the following e-mail : [email protected] . or Fax : +91-522-2303663

Goolam Cader Ally
Vice President
Supervisory Committee of WCRDE, Mauritius

Nawab Mohammed Khadeeruddin Siddiqui
Trustee Member
Nizam Hyderabad, Royal Family, India













First Founder Members .... Click Here